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GB Qld Captain

One of our leaders is a warm, joyful, and passionate woman.

She has no prior experience of youth group, kids' church or Brigades but has absolutely delighted being a part of our team. She is willing to do whatever and be wherever we need her to be.

I’ve reflected that Girls' Brigade impacts every one of us (not just our girls) physically, socially, intellectually and spiritually. It offers a safe place for all generations to work along side and stir and encourage each other.

  • When can my daughter join Girls' Brigade?
    Your daughter can join when she starts in Prep. Girls older than five can join at any time until they are twenty one.
  • Can my daughter bring friends?
    Of course! New girls are always welcome and your daughter is always welcome to bring friends along to Company nights. A vast majority of enrolments are a result of girls bringing friends.
  • When does Girls' Brigade meet?
    Girls' Brigade meets one week night a week during school term time, but the day of the week and the starting times vary from Company to Company. You can see where your closest GB Company is and the times they meet on our Company directory.
  • Does Girls' Brigade offer any activities outside of Company nights?
    Yes, many Companies also run day outings, camps and other activities outside of their usual Company nights. For older girls there are also National, State and Regional activities, such as camps, activities and training days. The Leadership Development Course is a ministry of Girls' Brigade Qld that offers a personal development program for girls from the year they turn 15 during the September school holidays. You can find more details about Leadership on their website. (You don't even need to be in Girls' Brigade to attend!)
  • What does it cost?
    Companies usually charge an annual fee that can be paid by term. Fees cover weekly activities at Girls' Brigade and vary from Company to Company but are generally between $200 and $280 per year.
  • How long do the Company nights usually run for?
    Running times depend on the Company and the age group, but they generally run for 1.5 hours to 2 hours.
  • What happens on a typical Company night?
    Activities differ from Company to Company but most Companies meet for opening parade and then some whole of Company activities, before breaking into Unit/age groups for the remaining time. Other activities include craft, games, devotions, singing, drama, educational activities and special theme nights.
  • How do I know my daughter is safe?
    All Leaders are committed to your daughter's safety while at Girls' Brigade. There will be sign in/out procedures, which may vary between venues/churches. In Queensland, Leaders are required to carry a current Working with Children Card (Blue Card). Girls’ Brigade operates under a Code of Conduct and all Leaders are required to complete Safety Management Online (SMO) Childsafe training. Activities are all risk assessed and approved to ensure safety for everyone.
  • What are the qualifications of the Leaders?
    All Leaders undergo internal leadership training and must have a current Working with Children Card (Blue Card). Our Leaders come from all walks of life - they are teachers, managers, nurses, chaplains, business owners - and bring all sorts of skills, life experience and ministry experience. Leaders are encouraged to continue learning by attending conferences and training days.
  • Is it like Scouts and Guides?
    Girls' Brigade has similar aspects to both of these Youth Organisations, however, Girls' Brigade is a ministry of the local church with Christian values at its core.
  • Just how Christian is Girls' Brigade?
    Girls' Brigade has the Christian religion and principles at its core. Not all of our activities are necessarily spiritually based, but devotions do form a part of weekly activities.
  • Do I have to be a Christian to send my daughter to Girls' Brigade?
    No, it is not a requirement for either you or your daughter to be Christian. Girls' Brigade does not discriminate against any girls wanting to join Girls' Brigade. Whilst many of our activities are Christian based, our Brigades have a high percentage of non-church families.
  • Does it matter which denomination I come from?
    No, Girls' Brigade is open to all denominations; we do not discriminate against any girls wishing to join Girls' Brigade.
  • If I move can my daughter still be a part of Girls' Brigade?
    Girls' Brigade has a standardised structure which will allow your daughter to transfer to any Company. Girls' Brigade Qld also has a "virtual" Company - GB Connect. This Company meets online each week and offers GB to girls who live in places where there is no Company close by.
  • Can I 'try before I buy'?
    Yes, your daughter is encouraged to come along to a number of Company meeting nights to see what the others girls do and learn before you both decide that she would like to join.
  • How do I find my local Company?
    Check out the map on our Company directory page to see where your closest Girls' Brigade Company meets.
  • What can Girls' Brigade offer my church?
    Girls' Brigade can help to supplement your Church's current children's and youth activities or provide a new youth and families ministry outreach if this is a need in your Church. The Church appoints the leaders of the Girls' Brigade and oversees the activities as part of the Church ministry. Girls' Brigade provides opportunities for women in the church community to be involved in a ministry that transforms girls' lives and leads them to enrich God's world. The Girls' Brigade programme encourages a holistic approach covering spiritual, social, physical and educational aspects and can be presented in a number of ways to meet the needs of the girls and the gifts and abilities of the Leaders. Contact the Girls' Brigade Qld Executive if you are interested in starting a Girls' Brigade Company in your Church.
  • Is there a similar organisation for boys?
    Yes, there is also Boys' Brigade which is similar to Girls' Brigade. You can find our more about Boys' Brigade on their website.
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